Cities & Regions
Cities and regions have leveraged sport as an engine of economic growth and to elevate their global standing. Through strategic development of sporting concepts and offerings, designed to capitalise natural terrains and geographical assets, cities and regions have successfully established unique identities and destination goodwill centred around sport, fuelling tourism and economic activity. At the same time, availability and accessibility of facilities meet local demand for sport and physical activity, promoting social and community outcomes for residents.
How can we help you?
We bring our deep industry expertise to advise city and regional authorities on long-term strategies to maximise the economic and wider value of sport, focusing on thematic areas such as sport tourism, events, mass participation, infrastructure, and competitive sport. Through local analysis and international benchmarking, we support master-planning efforts to optimise infrastructure portfolios and facility mixes, develop design concepts and requirements, and financial feasibility assessments. We also help local governments maximise the use of their existing assets through effective governance and operational models, cost optimisation strategies, and detailed business planning.
Examples of our previous work
Sized, scaled and budgeted a city-wide sport infrastructure project
Developed sport-specific strategies (cycling, aquatics) across multiple developments for a region in the Middle East
Conducted local analysis and formed strategic recommendations to increase physical activity levels by creating active places
Developed strategy to enhance asset quality and increase utilisation of multiple sports infrastructure assets